Revolving Gallery Space

Guild members have an exciting new opportunity to show their artwork! Member Bob Unke has teamed up with Stacie Estrada from the Art Lounge to curate and coordinate a Guild members-only dedicated wall space within the Art Lounge. Our featured space is on the first floor, to the right after you come up the stairs from the front entrance. This gallery opportunity is presented AT NO COST TO YOU and is an added benefit of your Guild membership.

Exhibit Guidelines:

  1. Your art must have a title and your name or initials somewhere on the artwork and be ready for hanging when submitted for display.
  2. Your art must be priced. The Art Lounge is extending a reduced commission rate to the Guild of only 20%. Payment for sold items will occur around the 15th of the month following the sale following normal Art Lounge protocol.
  3. Your art will be displayed for up to 60 days. After that time, it will be removed and you will be contacted to pick it up from the Art Lounge. Please retrieve your unsold work within 7 days of being notified. We don’t want to clutter the Art Lounge.
  4. Once our dedicated wall space is full, any art submitted will be place in queue and hung as other artwork is sold or removed.
  5. Each member of the Art Guild may have one work on display at a time. Any other work submitted for display by that member will be placed in queue for future display as outlined in #4 above.
  6. Maximum size of work allowed is 16″ x 20″. Larger works may be displayed elsewhere in the Art Lounge at the venue’s discretion. Our goal is to give as many different member artists opportunities to show their work.
  7. There may be “themes” associated with the Revolving Gallery Space. Themes will be scheduled and announced in advance to allow members to prepare submissions. Artwork consistent with themes will have precedence for display during the dates that themed events run.
  8. A show opening is scheduled on the second Friday after each show begins. Bring your family and friends! Share it on social media! The more we support this new endeavour, the more successful it will be!
January – February 2025: The Birds and The Bees / March – April 2025: TBA / May – June 2025: Annual Membership Show


Contact Bob Unke, Curator, at (262) 385-5754 or